History Of Loadcell

Starting from the times 5000 BC up today, equal-arm balance scales has been utilized. The other weighing method was spring scales. The Principle of usage of that scales consisted is display of weight by means of an attached spring pointer. The advantage of such scales is that they do not require any standart opposite mass after calibration. As to repeatabiity and reliability, it is important to select the spring material appropriately so that the display shows lineer response within a specified interval.Load cells that are being manufactured by our company is another method for weighing. Load cell is the most appropriate transducer to display weight on an electronical display. Loadcell based weighing scales, in other words electronic scales, are technically similar to spring balances. As spring element special alloy steel or aluminium is used. Repeatibility and elasticity is increased by different tempering and aging techniques. Using different techniques, load cell body is given special shapes to make it available for weighing (though spring element of a load cell does not look similar to a spring in shape, it is working in the same principle).Loadcells are indeed strain gage based transducers. Strain gages are electronical stuctures, in different shapes and sizes, which are used to analyse the dynamic strength of a construction or system. In our load cells,strain gages in varying forms and sizes have been implemented.Load cell is an individual structure while weighing itself is in general a static measurement.As used for determination of weight, load cells are working only single axis. Weight and mass are frequently confused concepts. Weight shows variation according to gravity of mass it is attracted to as well as relative position. Weight phenomenon is a result of gravity of earth over an object with a certain acceleration. This gravity effect (resultingly weight), may show variation according to location on earth. Another name of load cell is force transducer. Force is simply mass by acceleration. Mass is corresponding to gravity force of an object in straight direction with respect to earth.